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Maintaining Property Security with Temporary Construction Keying

December 14, 2020

There will be some instances when property owners would want to have their homes, buildings, or facilities to be renovated or extended. Other people, alternatively, would like to have their properties to be built and constructed by contractors. No matter what type of job is, there is one aspect of construction works that must be considered thoroughly. This aspect would be the security of the property.

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Master Key System: 4 Important Facts that You Must Know

December 3, 2020

The use of a master key system is fairly common among property owners, especially if they want to significantly increase control and improve security over their respective properties. Under this specific system, several pre-defined doors are designed to be accessed conveniently by selected keys. This setup allows property owners to substantially lower expenses due to a lower number of keys required.

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Setting Up Your Store's Security Success with Effective Master Locking System

November 20, 2020

One of the elements that must be thoroughly considered in running and operating a store is its available security solutions. Without effective security solutions, a store can be easily infiltrated by intruders and burglars, which ultimately affects the overall safety and security of the people inside and its assets.

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Important Things to Do When You Have Lost Your Car Key

November 6, 2020

Most of the time, car owners tend to forget their keys at home. Thus, we often see them rushing towards their houses just to find their keys. Sometimes, they may have also left their keys on their respective workspaces, especially if they are preoccupied with some things on their minds.

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Lock Change: When Should This Become A Practical Decision?

October 22, 2020

Most door locks work effectively if they are brand new or have been maintained optimally. However, some instances or situations would normally require the need to suddenly change the door locks and keys for the safety purposes of a property. Various elements would likewise come to play, which would eventually force property owners to change their locks as it is the most practical thing to do.

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Snapped and Broken Key Inside a Keyhole: What to Do When You're in This Situation?

October 9, 2020

Keys are often made from metal materials that are truly durable and long-lasting. Most keys do not even corrode and show signs of damages despite using them for a very long time. However, there are still some instances where a key might suddenly snap while the other half is still inside a keyhole. When this type of situation arises, then one thing that a person can do is to be creative and resourceful.

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How Do Transponder Keys Work? Working Principles Explained

September 28, 2020

Most of the latest car offerings from different manufacturers have been incorporating high-level security systems to prevent thieves from gaining easy car access. Others, however, are still stuck with the traditional lock system that can be quickly accessed and opened by criminals.

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Retail Business Lockdown Safety: Important Reasons Why Your Locks Must Be Fixed and Replaced

September 9, 2020

Businesses that went on lockdown for the past few weeks are now starting to resume operations as long as they follow the minimum health and safety protocols by the authorities. And while maintaining the cleanliness and disinfection of the building is a must, business or building owners must also ensure that their respective properties are still safe and secure from burglars and intruders.

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Why Should You Hire Locksmith Services for New Apartment Construction Projects?

August 28, 2020

There are a lot of security features that must be installed on new apartment construction projects. Some of these features include doors that are made from durable materials, windows that have shatter-proof glass, and tools and equipment that enhance safety and protection.

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Melbourne Locksmith Services and Working Conditions During Covid19 Pandemic

August 13, 2020

Before, professionals who are conducting locksmith services for domestic, commercial, and automotive keys and locks can basically complete their locksmith tasks in just a short time. However, the current COVID-19 pandemic puts them in a very difficult position, especially that strict implementation of physical distancing protocols is in place.

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How Altona Locksmiths Can Help in Emergency Car Lockout Situations

July 31, 2020

A car lockout situation typically happens when an individual loses access to their own vehicle due to lost keys, keys stuck inside the vehicle, or the absence of any spare keys. Several people who may have faced this type of situation would typically panic because of the fear of not retrieving their cars anymore.

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Maison Keyed System: Why is this Ideal for Apartments and Condominiums?

July 14, 2020

Apartments and condominiums are constructed to provide multiple families a place to live in. These buildings have multiple units on each level, making every family reside near one another. And while unit owners have the liberty to configure and customise their respective rooms, it is still important for the building owners to utilise a Maison keyed system.

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Domestic Lock Security: How to Ensure Safety and Security When Moving to a New Home

June 29, 2020

When moving to a new home, most property owners would allocate most of their time in conceptualising the overall design and layout of rooms and spaces. They would pinpoint where to place key pieces of furniture, appliances, and other accessories. They would also determine the materials or paint colour that will be used or applied for some specific parts of the home.

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How to Keep Your Business Secure Even During Shutdown

June 11, 2020

Several business owners opt to temporarily shut down their businesses as the pandemic continues to affect certain sectors of the economy. They most likely decide to do this just to make sure that their whole staff, as well as their customers, will be safe and free from the virus.

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What Should Be the Qualities of a Domestic Locksmithing Company?

May 27, 2020

For homeowners, keeping your whole home safe from burglars and other intruders is very important. They would normally install security features to maintain the safety of their loved ones. Some security features that they would normally install include alarms, CCTV cameras, and motion sensors.

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Why Commercial Locksmithing Job Should Only Be Entrusted to Legit and Professional Locksmiths

May 12, 2020

Commercial buildings, which normally hold offices, stores, and other business-related facilities, must be properly secured to maintain the maximum safety of people and resources. Security can be attained through the installation of a CCTV system and the designation of trained security personnel. Another security feature that your commercial building must possess is a great locking system.

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Home Burglary Facts and Why Every Melbourne Homeowner Should Hire the Right Locksmiths

April 22, 2020

As a homeowner, you must always prioritise the safety and security of your home. Your home may be equipped with a CCTV system that can help you monitor some crucial areas of your property. You can also install some alarms for your family members to be notified whenever an emergency arises. Aside from these systems and alarms, one critical part of home safety and security that you must always consider is the locks of your doors. Read more

Master Key Systems: Things Commercial Property Owners Need to Know

April 8, 2020

As a business owner, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of your commercial property. If you run a hotel or apartment, you must keep all your guests and residents safe from any burglary incidents. If you own a factory or an office space, you must prevent outsiders from entering your facility without proper authorisation.
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Lock and Security Issues in Old Properties: Important Ways to Address Them

March 23, 2020

Old homes and buildings have security features that are effective and valuable before. But today, some of these properties may possess weak security features that can cause serious safety issues in the future. Some burglars these days are now well-equipped with tools and knowledge in opening and cracking the security mechanism of old locks.
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How to Guard Your Garage and Home from Intruders

March 11, 2020

Aside from your cars, your garage can be filled with tools, household equipment, and other things that are valuable and useful for your family. A garage is a place where we usually store some things that cannot be placed in our storage room anymore. Without any protection and security, this specific place can be prone to various break-ins.
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Car Ignition Switch Issues: Why Do You Need a Professional Locksmith?

February 21, 2020

The mechanism behind the driving action of a vehicle is not possible without starting the ignition switch system. To make the car ignition switch functional, a proper key must be inserted first. Some newer cars, however, rely on a keyless system to activate the car ignition switch.
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Benefits of Grand Master Key System for Commercial Business Privacy and Security

February 7, 2020

Business owners consider a lot of factors to keep their business running smoothly. Two of these factors are privacy and security. To make a business successful, business owners must find ways to protect their business plans as well as all the resources that they have. These resources include their properties, employees, and all the things that they have inside their buildings.
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Car Doors that Won't Unlock: Call Professional Locksmiths for Immediate Solutions

January 20, 2020

In one seemingly normal day, you went out and drove to a grocery store to get all the ingredients needed for the food that you will be cooking later. As soon as you finish paying, you then went to the parking lot where your car is situated. However, you are confused as to why your car won’t unlock anymore.
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Ensure the Safety of Your French Door by Hiring Professional Locksmiths

January 6, 2020

If you are fond of classic architectural details, then you may have installed things around your home that screams classy and historic. From decks to pillars, your home may be a place for your family, friends, and neighbours to hold their breaths and appreciate its grandness. What could go wrong if you install a beautiful enhancement to your home like French doors?
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