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Moving to a New Business Establishment? Consider Hiring a Professional Locksmith

December 16, 2019

Moving to a new business establishment is never easy. Transferring loads of office materials from one location to another proves to be a hassle, so much more if you factor in the amount of work you have to do to organise them in place once you get there. Another part of the moving process is securing your new business establishment. In doing so, you should consider hiring a professional locksmith.
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FAQ: When Do I Need Transponder Key Programming Services?

December 9, 2019

The transponder key programming services is a form of vehicle security for which a code is sent to mobilise a car’s engine system. It contains a microchip designed to send a code to an immobilizer fitted to the ignition of the car for which the key is made. If the immobilizer does not receive the correct code from the key, it will not be possible to start the car’s engine.
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Is Your Front Door Lock Burglar-proof? Consider Consulting Expert Locksmiths

November 21, 2019

As a sanctuary of comfort and security, it is important that your home guarantees utmost safety and security. Every home is vulnerable to burglary or home theft. Even with the advanced configurations of the security technology, burglars and thieves have also innovated various ways to compromise your protection. That is why it is important to be one step ahead of the game. And one way to ensure such is through availing a burglar-proof front door lock.
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Customised Restricted Key System: What are the Benefits for Your Business?

November 11, 2019

Security is an essential feature in maintaining a good business. By ensuring the protection of your business from intruders and thieves, you will not only prevent crimes and safety breaches, but will also guarantee that your employees will not be placed in any form of danger whatsoever. One way of making sure that this is possible is by incorporating a customised restricted key system.
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Know What's Best for Your Newly Built Commercial Building's Security

October 22, 2019

Security is highly important in a commercial building. It ensures that offices, warehouses, and retail locations can execute their specific functions in an environment free from intruders, trespassers, and burglars. It provides efficiency in business operations, safety of tangible assets, intellectual property, and human life.  Aside from that, a properly maintained commercial building must also guarantee the safety of individuals inside the property.
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Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Car Transponder Key

October 7, 2019

If you have a modern vehicle, chances are you will have a transponder key for it. Invented as a safety precaution to prevent the hotwiring of vehicles, a transponder key is a modern innovation that has become a standard part of car safety. Nowadays, it is becoming rare to encounter a vehicle that features traditional car keys.
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Obtain Optimum Security in Commercial Properties with a Complex Master Keying System

September 26, 2019

As the property manager or owner of a commercial building, you are directly responsible for keeping the premises secured. When it comes time to secure your building, it is best to leave no stone unturned. For that reason, among others that we will go into, the installation of a master keying system can make a ton of sense.
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Check the Security of Your Door Lock Because Burglary Can Occur Anytime

September 4, 2019

There should never be a time when you are willing to give up on the personal safety of yourself and your property. Still, despite the importance of maintaining a secure building, many people opt to not check the security of their door locks. While home break-ins and burglaries are statistically rare, they still happen to millions of people around the world, every single year.
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Signs of a Failing Car Ignition Lock Cylinder: When to Call a Locksmith?

August 22, 2019

When you get into your car and turn your key, you are pretty sure what should happen next. Unfortunately, when you have a failing car ignition lock cylinder, certain problems can quickly begin to manifest. As it pertains to your vehicle, being able to regularly start-up your car is pretty important. To make sure that your car is always operating efficiently, you need to be on the lookout for several important signs of potential car ignition lock cylinder failure.
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Temporary Construction Keying for Business Owners' Peace of Mind

August 8, 2019

When you work in the construction field, you come to realise that buildings don't simply spring up overnight. Construction projects can take protracted periods of time, and this means that multiple people might need access to the building. If you own the building that is being worked on, you probably are going to want to have some measure of control over who can access the property.
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Car Locking Problems Due to Worn Out Keys: Hire Professional Locksmiths for Replacement

July 18, 2019

When it comes to driving your car, nothing is more important than having your key with you. Unfortunately, though keys are hardy items, they tend to wear out over time. Worn out car keys can directly contribute to multiple problems with your vehicle. From struggling to lock and unlock your car to issues turning your ignition, a worn out key can signal a problem.
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Ensure the Security of Office Drawers and Cabinets: Call Professional Locksmiths

July 3, 2019

As a business owner, it falls to you in order to make sure that your property is appropriately secured. When you own a business, you are going to store sensitive materials at your place of work. These materials need to be accessible to the right people while being secured against potential criminal activity.
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Car Key Cutting Services: The Importance of Locksmith Accuracy and Precision

June 17, 2019

You get out of your car and close the door behind you. Immediately you realise the errors of your ways. You left your keys in the car and you locked the door behind you! We've all had this nightmare scenario flit through our minds and some of us have probably lived it in reality. If you have ever been afraid of locking your keys in your car, you'd benefit from turning to a professional locksmith.
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Benefits of Traditional Door Lock Cylinders for Residential Properties

June 4, 2019

Whether you own your home or you are renting it, keeping your property secured is important. If you have concerns about the quality of your home's security, you need to head to your front door in order to take a close look at your locking mechanism.
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Apartment Security: Why Additional Locks Become Beneficial to Renters?

May 15, 2019

Renting an apartment can be a great way to find a place to live without tying yourself down for too long. Unfortunately, when you live in someone else's building, you have to take security into your own hands.
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Domestic Locksmith Services: Reasons Why Old Homes Should Have Their Locks Updated

May 1, 2019

When you purchase or rent a home, you are put in charge of the building and the contents inside of it. As a result, security falls fully under your purview. Have you done what was necessary in order to ensure the safety of your house and the items inside?
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How Restricted Keys Can Help Avoid Unauthorised Key Duplication

April 17, 2019

The safety and security of your home or business takes priority over all other aspects of property management. With multiple access points inside of your building, be it residential or commercial, you have to wonder how can keep the building protected.
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Understanding Complex Lock Parts and Mechanisms in Car Door Locks

April 5, 2019

If you own a car, you are probably pretty used to making sure that you always leave it locked. Locking your door allows you to protect the items inside of your car from potential thieves as well as intruders who would steal your entire car.
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Broken Car Key Extraction: Why Call a Professional Locksmith?

March 21, 2019

Your alarm clock goes off late and you are out of the door with precious little time to spare. You turn your car key in the ignition and snap, the key breaks in half.
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Avoid Sham Locksmiths: Know Some Hiring Guidelines

March 7, 2019

Is there anything in life more important than protecting yourself and your loved ones? Whether you live in a mansion or a small apartment, you deserve to know that your locks are reliable, secure, and serviced by reputable professionals.
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Rekeying Gives You Full Control Over Your Newly Purchased Home

February 25, 2019

When you enter the home buying market, you have to take care of all sorts of different things. Not only do you have to balance your budget, but you also have to find a home that meets or exceeds all of your specific needs and requirements.
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Grand Master Key for Hotels: What are the Benefits?

February 15, 2019

When you work in the hospitality field, there is nothing more important than maintaining the security of your building.
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Keyed to Differ and Keyed Alike: What are the Pros and Cons?

January 31, 2019

Whether you are looking to secure your personal residence or your commercial property, you need to pay attention to your locking mechanisms.
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Home Security Tips for Senior Citizens

January 15, 2019

Securing your home from exterior threats is of the utmost importance when you are a property owner. The very idea of some intruder breaking into your property for the purpose of criminal activity is hard to swallow on its face. While home intrusions and burglaries are relatively rare, all things considered, they still must be planned against. Security is especially important when you are discussing the homes of senior citizens.
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